The best in ab blasting - Personal Trainer Exeter Mark Hayward

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The best in ab blasting

INFO > Exercises
The  Shoulder bridge or Pelvic Curl

Areas worked: abdominals, glutes, hamstrings, inner thighs. Stetches the usually tight hip flexor muscles.

The shoulder bridge, Pilates

  • Lie supine with arms long and close to sides, knees bent, feet and knees hip width apart

  • Curl the pelvis back and forth a few times until you find the middle position.

  • Inhale and tilt the pelvis back.

  • Exhale and begin to peel the spine off the mat starting with the tail bone then moving up on vertebra at a time. Imagine your spine is a bicycle chain lifting off the ground.

  • Make sure your knees do not move out or in- use your inner thighs to control.

  • Do not roll your feet in or out press them into the ground.

  • Arms stay long and close to you, pressing in to the mat.

  • Shoulders are wide and down away from the ears.

  • When you are around 3/4 of the way up resist the temptation to continue lifting by flaring the ribs, instead lift from the hips and thighs.

  • Visualise the hip joint opening and long and knees travelling out over the toes.

  • Go as high as you can without arching the lower back or ribs.

  • If you reach the top then bring your arms overhead, go as far as you can keeping them straight.

  • At the top inhale then begin placing the spine back on the mat on vertebra at a time, drawing in the abdominals as you do so.

  • Repeat for a maximum of 8-12 times.

  • Do the movement slowly and with total control of movement and breathing.

More Pilates moves being added soon!
Roll Up with band 8-12 reps

Works the TVA, rectus abdominus
Roll up exercise
·      Sit with legs straight out in front and arms straight out parallel to the ground.

• Shoulders over hips. Place a band around your feet and hold onto it.

• Back rounded.

• Head tilted forward.

• Inhale then exhale and slowly lower backwards one vertebra at a time, pulling the abdominals in.

• Go as far as you feel comfortable then inhale, exhale and then return to the start.

• Repeat. After several reps come further forward at the top to feel a stretch in lower back and hamstrings.

• Keep shoulders down and back (away from ears)

• Pull abs in throughout and maintain lower back curve as you lower.

May also be done without the band

Try the negative only roll up too- do this first in the routine!
Criss cross AKA bicycles 10 contractions each side

Works the oblique muscles
Criss cross or bicylcle exercise

  • Keep pelvis still throughout the exercise.
  • Exhale     and bring left arm to wards right knee, lower then repeat with other side.
  • Draw     abdominals in deep to prevent lower back arch.
  • Keep     arms in same position in relation to head.
  • Lift     upper body from the shoulder not the head or arm.
  • Extend     legs out to 45 degree

Side bend 8-12 lifts
Works the oblique muscles

Side bend exercise

  • Elbow under shoulder, hips stacked.
  • Knees bent and in front of you, feet in line with the hips.
  • Non supporting arm in front or resting on top.
  • Exhale place spine in neutral and lift the pelvis, supporting from underneath using the oblique muscles. Draw the abdominals inwards.
  • You may also lift the upper straight up to the ceiling so both arms are pulling away from each other.
  • Do not let the hips or shoulders roll forwards.
  • Inhale and lower, using the obliques to control the decent.
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Personal Training
Weight loss
30+years experience
07972 775428
77 Chantry Meadow
Exeter EX2 8FU
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