Weight Loss - Good Food Shopping in Aylesbury, bucks
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Losing weight can often seem an almost impossible challenge!
I offer free weight loss advice and assistance with all personal training and Pilates packages.
Nothing complicated is involved... you won't even need to go hungry! In fact you may feel like you are eating more than usual. It's just a matter of finding the right food types for your body. Weight loss doesn't have to be a nightmare, it can easily fit in with your family time and meals.
Exercise comes into this a little but really is right down the list in terms of importance, its certainly not essential... it's more about good health than anything.
Please message me here for more info!
Good food shopping
weight loss aylesbury series

If you are in or around Aylesbury, Bucks and are interested in weight loss then read on then please get in touch!
Many people who exercise hard fail to lose the weight they want to simply because of such things as 'hidden' bad foods.
To keep you on the right track I have outlined 7 of these.
7. Fruit Juice and Fizzy Drinks
Fruit juice and fizzy drinks contain simple carbs or sugars. Some contain as much as 12 teaspoons per can. Even diet fizzy drinks can damage your teeth and gums due to the phosphoric acid they contain.
Sugar will spike your insulin levels, causing your fat cells to expand. Insulin resistance is a particular problem in menopausal women, and can make it seem nearly impossible to lose weight.
6. Alcohol
You knew this one would be on the list. Red wine may be good in moderation, but who drinks in moderation?
Alcohol contains 7 calories/gram- fat contains 9 calories/gram, carbs and protein only contain 4 each. Hence why the beer belly exists.
These are empty calories too, meaning they are just used to store fat and little else. So avoid the six-pack to get a six-pack.
5. Breakfast Cereal
Yes these claim to be low in fat and good for you, but in fact most are packed with sugar.
They are also very highly processed, the carbohydrates will be very high on the glycemic index, meaning they will cause an insulin spike- storing fat and then leaving you hungry.
4. Bread
White bread in particular is a refined carbohydrate, meaning they will cause fat gain faster than anything else and stop your weight loss dead. If you eat these, including bagels and bread rolls, daily you will have trouble losing weight and you may even start gaining some back. I have seen this happen numerous times with clients- the odd one or two are ok but stay away for the most part!
3. Margarine
All margarine contains trans fatty acids- these are even worse than saturated fats at causing heart disease and diabetes. As well as this they will cause your weight loss to stall when dieting.
Margarine is not better than butter- stay away from both of them to reach you weight loss goals.
2. High-Fat and Sugary Dairy Products
Full fat milk contains saturated fat- you want to avoid this for both your cardiovascular health and if you want to lose weight. This will include cheese and some yogurts.
Many low fat yogurts also contain table sugar- again these will play havoc with your insulin levels and cause fat storage and retention.
1. Low Fat 'Healthy' Eating Products
While many of these items are low in fat they normally contain often substantial quantities of sugar and we know what that does to you. Don't get me wrong, not all these products are bad for dieting, but please read the labels before you by them and avoid the ones with added sucrose, fructose, dextrose and malto-dextrin for best results.
Mark Hayward, Weight Loss Aylesbury since 2008
Boosting Your Metabolism for Weight Loss
Published by Mark Hayward in weight loss · 13 July 2023
Let's look at some fat loss techniques seeing as I still get asked about this more than anything else!
To boost your metabolism safely you will need to look at three areas:
1. Exercise
2. Lifestyle
3. Diet
In this first part we will look at the role of muscle tone in keeping lean.
Exercise is a major factor in boosting your metabolism and burning off extra calories.
Unless you naturally have an extremely fast metabolism, where you can eat thousands of calories a day without putting on weight, you are in the same group as the rest of us who need to take action to get that metabolic burning!
Cardiovascular exercise is an important component of boosting your metabolism. Increasing your heart rate, blood circulation, body temperature, and oxygen intake/carbon dioxide exchange, will all lead your body into a catabolic state whereby it is breaking down fat and converting it into energy.
Many women (and some men) shy away from barbells and dumbells because they think they will get bulky muscles.! There really is no need to. You will not end up looking like Herman munster in drag! It takes many years of heavy weight and vast quantities of food and "supplements" to build big muscles. For a woman and most men to do so accidentally with light weights is impossible.
So what's the deal with muscle and metabolism?
It is because a pound of muscle burns more calories than a pound of fat. So the more toned muscle you have, the more calories you'll burn. Even when sleeping you’ll simply burn extra calories, because muscle requires more energy to maintain. This won't make you look bulky, just make your body more shapely,
It will only last as long as you exercise though. When you stop working out your metabolism will return to it's previous sluggish state and the fat will return home at the slightest opportunity.
Catabolism will cause weight loss.
If your body need more energy to function each day then it will break down more cells to obtain this energy. In the process you will need more calories and lose weight.
I always include weights in a weight loss programme for my clients whether it be body weight dumbells or resistance bands this combined with cardiovascular exercise burns fat faster than anything else!
A full body workout 3 days a week moving quickly in a circuit fashion from one exercise to another produces best results.
Do a mixture of both high (20-30) and low reps (6-10) you don't need to lift to failure or anything, just push fairy hard with shorts rests with a weight or band resistance you find easy for the first set, it will soon feel heavier! Simple body weight exercises work well too- get squatting and lunging- just make sure you feel it in your muscles.
Add in some Pilates and mobility work, then a bit of cardio and you are a fat burning machine getting leaner by the minute!